Home Operations Sustainability

Sustainability is the balance between growing the economy, while supporting and safeguarding the community and all its members, and the environment. At Impala Canada, we are committed to achieving operational excellence and sustainability in a socially and environmentally responsible way. Here’s how we’re doing it:

We Contribute to the Community. Being part of a community means actively contributing to organizations that improve the quality of life for all. Impala Canada is proud to support local organizations in Thunder Bay that help with food security, childhood development, provide healthcare and more.

We Hire and Buy Local. In an effort to be a diverse and inclusive company, Impala Canada supports the engagement of Indigenous and local candidates. As a good neighbour, we create economic prosperity for stakeholders, and purchase goods and services from local and regional suppliers. We are proud of our track record in hiring local, and procuring services and products from Indigenous joint ventures and surrounding businesses.

We Consult Stakeholders. Striving to be responsible to Indigenous peoples on whose traditional territories we operate, and to earn their trust and respect, we initiate open, transparent and frequent communications and consultation.

We Take Care of our Employees. Zero harm is our mandate. Impala Canada has safety systems and measures in place to ensure everyone on our mine site and exploration properties are safe. We believe everyone deserves to make a good, healthy living. All employees receive marketplace-competitive compensation including a fair benefits plan for their physical and mental health.

We Respect the Environment. We practise responsible mining underground and in our surface operations, and work with government agencies, stakeholders and Indigenous peoples to ensure our activities meet or exceed legal requirements and social expectations. We have an extensive water testing and recycling program, a waste management program, and we actively monitor wildlife on our property.

We Adhere to a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. This Code applies to all our directors, officers, employees and contractors. We are accountable for our accounting, internal controls and auditing processes and comply with all laws and regulations. All potential conflicts of interest can be disclosed using this form. We also transparently communicate our Electronic Monitoring Policy, which outlines steps we take to preserve and protect the integrity of our network, servers and platforms from malicious intent.

We respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. We are committed to ensuring that persons with disabilities receive accessible goods and services of the same quality that others receive, and comply fully with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act in Ontario. Click here to access our Accessible Service Provision Policy. Contact us regarding accessibility at accessibility@impalacanada.com Our website www.impalacanada.com conforms to WBAC 2.0 Level AA.